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Tag: God’s glory

Why Do Bad Things Happen? (Reprise)

In light of recent events in my life, and the wrestling my family and I have made with strong emotions and challenges, I decided to re-post this letter I wrote to a friend which has brought me needed comfort and Truth. I pray it will also bring guidance to...

Why Do Bad Things Happen?

I have included below, for the benefit of any, a letter I wrote to a friend recently about a very difficult subject. Why do bad things happen? At all. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. (And the guilty too, let’s be honest.)  ;o) Hi John, I hope...

A Return to the Blogosphere

Well, it has been a long hiatus. Life takes over and no time is left to write or think sometimes. A move, adjustments to a new area, a new baby on the way, a family that needs me, a church flock that needs attention, regular preaching duty…all of these...