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Tag: Life

On the Shores of Eternity

[A tribute to Mom] I stand here on the banks of the River. On the precipice of Eternity.  For weeks I have come closer and closer gradually to these troubled waters. On the other bank of this river is a land of green pasture. A land of unending peace...

057 – The First Marriage – Foundations 014

The first marriage was instituted by God. It was founded upon his principles, under his rules. And it was designed for one man and one woman, to be united in partnership for life. We learn a lot about what marriage is supposed to be like from the first account...

053 – A Commandment Observed – Foundations 013

Foundation Series #13 – This episode we go back again to Genesis and look at chapter 2:8-17. We find the second commandment every given to mankind, but we also discover things about the Garden of Eden. We learn that God appreciates beauty, not just functionality. We learn that God...

052 – The Most Important Foundation

What is the most important foundation? What is the thing that everything else is based upon? What is the bedrock that is necessary for everything we believe to be real? The Apostle Paul said it is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. (See 1 Cor. 15) That one event proved...

048 – The Breath of Life – Foundations 012

From Genesis 2:7 we discover that the God of the Universe breathed the “Breath of Life” into the first man, Adam. This is a picture of the work of the Lord today in the lives of men and women everywhere! The Holy Spirit is “breathed” into people and they...

038 – Parental Responsibility

A natural part of the world, reflected even in the Animal Kingdom, is the parental responsibility to provide, protect, train and encourage. Not all parents accept this responsibility. Some abandon it completely. But it still exists, the same way the wind exists but some people fight against it. In...

037 – Life Wins!

June 24th, 2022 – A day I will try to remember the rest of my life. The day life wins. A day when my faith was strengthened, my heart was encouraged, and hope was restored. When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, and also reversed the Casey decision,...

007 – Foundations 007 – Fish, Fowl, and First Blessing

Life begins on day five. The breathing life. The moving creatures. This is a new thing in the world and completely different than the living that the plants do. Hebrew word neh-fesh literally means “to breath.” Why is this significant? We will see that our God in Heaven is...

Government Hypocrisy – Is it a person or not?

So guess what counts as a person according to the federal government? According to "", which is a group founded to help educate people on what health care coverages they are eligible to receive, when determining how many PERSONS live in your home you can count a pregnant woman...

I always wondered if the airbags would deploy

Sometimes over the past four years I have looked down at the "SRS" light on the dashboard of my '95 Honda Accord and wondered (thinking it had something to do with the airbags) if they would deploy if I ever had an accident or just got bumped in the...


Check out an ongoing series of short essays on my other blog. The series is called “Portraits” and I hope you find it interesting. Check out    God bless!...

Travels and Trust

Well, after being thuroughly shamed by my dear wife (who posted twice in the past week) concerning my lack of posting anything, and considering the significant stuff going on for us, I figured I should post something of interest. Job Hunt – The most significant issue right now is...

The Beach, the Wedding, and a Sermon or Two

Well, I am currently trying to upload Sam Franklin 2, which I finally have on my computer. Hopefully it will work this time. (I’ve tried two other times with no luck.)Anna and I went to the beach with her family recently. We had a wonderful time, and it was...