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Tag: Life

Unbelievable Nature Video

This is one remarkable video. It really is rare to see anything like this in nature. I found it fascinating, full of drama and complete with interesting analogies. Enjoy as you have time. (Warning: It’s about 8 minutes long, but I felt it was worth it. God bless his creation! ...

It’s official. I have way too much to do. So many things that I’d either like to do, or that I have to do. I guess I’ll just take them one at a time and keep trying.  Some might think that my life is simple, but not for me....

Life recently

Well, I guess it’s been long enough. I’ll update now. For some reason I always feel the need to catch everyone up on EVERYTHING that has happened since my last post. It’s not like that is necessary. Let’s see, what are the current happenings? Saturday we went to get...

First Pictures

Well, much has happened since my last post. We went to Nashville for the ATI conference. That was really very refreshing spiritually, while being very draining physically. Anna and I enjoyed being with our family (even if Dad did give me a cold) and also seeing many good friends....

Resurrection Sunday Sermon

The sermon I preached on Sunday was powerful. Mostly to me. I don’t know if anyone else got as much out of it as I did. I love it when that happens because I get to participate in God’s message. Here are the sermon notes. If you would like...