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Tag: Pictures

I’m finally doing it…

Yes folks, I’m blogging again. I know you’ve probably spent hours just looking at this blog waiting for an update. Staring blankly at your screen, hoping for anything to pop up. Well, your long wait is over!  (OK, enough with the opening, get to the juicy stuff.)  Election –...

More pictures of our Baby

For those of you picture people that just can’t get enough….  This one comes in currently at #2 in our favorites list. And our personal favorite…  Daddy’s little boy! One week old and already a charmer!...

One Year Ago…

Then…                                                                                   Now…                               Then…                                                                                              Now… We went to the top of Stone Mountain again on Saturday. For those of you that don’t remember…exactly one year ago….I asked her to marry me on the top of said rock. It was very crowded this year though, because we didn’t realize that the...

The Baby Bump!

Anna continues to grow in her “cuteness”, and that little baby of ours is growing nicely. Just the right size for this week of pregnancy. (Go back and check the “Development Ticker” post. It updates to the current week and development of the baby automatically. Or at least pretty...

First Pictures

Well, much has happened since my last post. We went to Nashville for the ATI conference. That was really very refreshing spiritually, while being very draining physically. Anna and I enjoyed being with our family (even if Dad did give me a cold) and also seeing many good friends....