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Tag: preaching

Blessed beyond words!

Well, yesterday I preached at Covenant Baptist. I was a little surprised to be going back so soon, but I can’t turn down an opportunity to preach. It’s just not in my blood.   The Lord really blessed the sermon, and I also enjoyed the worship time as always....

Recent Happenings

Well, I actually have a lot to say. And for that reason I have avoided posting much lately. It’s like I knew it would take a long time to do this, so I kept putting it off.  OH well…..such is the life of a preacher I guess. Here is...

Modesty, and recent Sermons

What if you could ask 1000+ Christian guys any question you wanted to about modesty, what makes them stumble, what they struggle with, what is important to them, what types of clothing they like, etc?  What if they promised to answer your questions honestly? What if I was making...

Finishing Samson

Well, I didn’t expect to get five sermons out of Samson’s life, but that’s what God did. It was really an interesting study, and it helped me to grow. Samson was a great man, with a great weakness. But I’ll not preach the sermon again. If you want to...

The Beach, the Wedding, and a Sermon or Two

Well, I am currently trying to upload Sam Franklin 2, which I finally have on my computer. Hopefully it will work this time. (I’ve tried two other times with no luck.)Anna and I went to the beach with her family recently. We had a wonderful time, and it was...

Check out my audios for a new sermon recently posted. It is on Psalm 24....

Two Weeks of Sermons

I may edit this post later with more useful and/or boring information. But for now I just wanted to post my last two weeks worth of sermon notes. Life of Samson, Part 1 – The beginnings of a fascinating and tragic “hero of faith.”Baptism Study – The four major questions about Baptism....

Life recently

Well, I guess it’s been long enough. I’ll update now. For some reason I always feel the need to catch everyone up on EVERYTHING that has happened since my last post. It’s not like that is necessary. Let’s see, what are the current happenings? Saturday we went to get...