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Tag: purpose

067 – Why Christmas?

Have you stopped to consider why Christmas is such a big deal? What’s the purpose behind the peppermint? The why behind “White Christmas”? The source of our Celebration? Listen as Jarod encourages us to remember Jesus and the meaning of Christmas.  View on Zencastr Listen Here: Preacher Dad Podcast...

Why Do Bad Things Happen? (Reprise)

In light of recent events in my life, and the wrestling my family and I have made with strong emotions and challenges, I decided to re-post this letter I wrote to a friend which has brought me needed comfort and Truth. I pray it will also bring guidance to...

011 – Podcast Purpose

What is the purpose of a PreacherDad podcast? The pursuit of precise perspectives from parenting to politics. The Perspective of Providence is, of course, paramount....

006 – Foundations 006 – Planets with Purpose

The Sun, Moon, and Stars, are given to us as signs, for seasons, and for separation. These are significant purposes for the planets and heavenly bodies, which God intended from the beginning. ...

The Purpose of Man

“Man’s primary purpose is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” – Westminster Shorter Catechism We read this tonight during family worship, and while I do not agree with everything in the Westminster Catechism, this first statement is certainly solidly biblical and has been a great help to...

Created for Relationship

A bird was made to sing. (Among other things.) A horse was made to run. A rose was made to smell nice. But what was I made for? Why did God make man?...