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Tag: Reformation

As true today…

Here is a blast from the past. Seems to be just as true today, if not more so, than it was over a decade ago. Read and consider… Reformation’s First Step...

047 – Revival and Reptiles with John the Baptist

So this episode is now a little out of date from a current events perspective, but from a Truth perspective, it is timeless. How can we see revival in our land? What about revival in our own hearts? It always starts with repentance. But can you have snakes show...

026 – Monumental Reform – Fatherhood Friday

This Fatherhood Friday we get some dad jokes (good ones) and a report from the first class we did on Biblical Citizenship in Modern America. An excellent kick-off session with a special message from Kirk Cameron focused on the National Monument to the Forefathers. He presents the recipe the...

024 – Students, Involvement, and Reformation

In today’s episode we discuss being a student of life, local involvement in the culture war, and the need for reformation. Did you know that our Founders believed Christianity was the key to being free? They believed, and I agree, that the only way to preserve liberty was to...

023 – The Way Back

How do we come back from the precipice of destruction in which we find ourselves as a nation? How can we restore sanity to this insane world? Well, quite simply, we must apply Biblical principles to our society. From entertainment to entitlements, from police work to parks and rec…we...

Isaiah 59 – Part 1

Friends, if we want our Father in heaven to heal our land, repentance comes first. "If my people...will humble themselves...and turn from their wicked ways...then I will hear from heaven and heal their land." (2 Chr. 7:14) This is not earning grace or favor from God, or even earning...

Reformation’s First Step

So I am going to start taking the first step of reformation. I hope you will join me....

State of the Nation

Friends, permit me to rant. I hope it is coherent. The State of Things: We have reached a point in this country which is almost beyond description. How have we come to the place that two branches of the Federal government willingly and enthusiastically ignore the Constitution and the easily...

Reformation’s First Step

I’ve been thinking a good bit. Not enough, but more than normal I suppose. I had a great time at men’s meeting last night. I got all inspired. Here is a piece of my inspiration:Our country is in sad shape. Our culture, also, is just this side of Gomorrah....

Roosevelt or Reagan?

Here is an excellent article that appeared in “Imprimis”, a publication by Hillsdale College.  You really should check it out. It talks about two very different philosophies of government. After you read it, you will understand the rest of this post.That article prooves why we need Christ in American...