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Tag: time

The Preciousness of TIME

No, I’m not referring to the magazine “TIME”. I have not noticed very much that is “precious” coming from that lot. I am thinking of that flighty little commodity that we all have, but it never seems to be enough. We all have the same amount, but some of...

Writing is Hard

This ain’t easy! Not just writing blog posts, and hopefully maintaining and increasing readership through outstanding (yeah right) content. In attempting to write a book it requires a great deal of personal discipline and creativity. This takes time and effort. Time is a precious commodity around our house. Using...

The most subtle tyrant

My brief thoughts on the most subtle of tyrants the world has known....

Reformation’s First Step

I’ve been thinking a good bit. Not enough, but more than normal I suppose. I had a great time at men’s meeting last night. I got all inspired. Here is a piece of my inspiration:Our country is in sad shape. Our culture, also, is just this side of Gomorrah....