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Tag: video


Recently I was surprised to learn something about my boss. Now, my boss is my age (almost to the day) and we share similar lives. (Both married, both with two kids, etc.) But he is a lot more successful in the business world. I mean, the man owns and...

12 Crazy Days of Christmas

I thought y’all might like this funny video. Let’s not let our Christmas be so overwhelming that we forget why we celebrate. I hereby choose not to let those “two missing parts” steal my Christmas joy!...

Videos of Zeke

For the enjoyment of family and friends….Check out these links for home movies of Ezekiel. – Laughing at Missy = 4m 39s – The Fists = 1m 27s – Singing = 48s – Daddy and Zeke sing = 1m 11s ...

I can do all things through Christ!

Here is a video that I found to be very encouraging. It is about a young man who asks his dad to compete in the “Ironman” competition with him. They both raced, but as a team. See, one of them has Cerebral Palsy. (I won’t tell you which one.)...

Recent Happenings

Well, I actually have a lot to say. And for that reason I have avoided posting much lately. It’s like I knew it would take a long time to do this, so I kept putting it off.  OH well…..such is the life of a preacher I guess. Here is...


If you know what those letters mean, or even if you don’t, you might want to check out this article from Plugged In Online. It’s about online gaming (written by someone who enjoys video games) and I think it is worth while for both gamers and parents of gamers. ...

Finishing Samson

Well, I didn’t expect to get five sermons out of Samson’s life, but that’s what God did. It was really an interesting study, and it helped me to grow. Samson was a great man, with a great weakness. But I’ll not preach the sermon again. If you want to...

Unbelievable Nature Video

This is one remarkable video. It really is rare to see anything like this in nature. I found it fascinating, full of drama and complete with interesting analogies. Enjoy as you have time. (Warning: It’s about 8 minutes long, but I felt it was worth it. God bless his creation! ...

Beard Chronicles

A movie I made concerning my beard. These are all the best shots, from beginning to end. I sort of made it to make Anna smile, which is why you got the mushy stuff at the end. (Sorry about the long blank spot. I’m new to video editing.)...