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The Baby Bump!

Anna continues to grow in her “cuteness”, and that little baby of ours is growing nicely. Just the right size for this week of pregnancy. (Go back and check the “Development Ticker” post. It updates to the current week and development of the baby automatically. Or at least pretty close.)

No, we still haven’t come up with a definite name. We don’t know the gender, so how can we?   But there are a couple we like. (No, I’m not telling you, because someone will get there heart set on one or the other, and then we won’t pick it, and then it will be a battle for us to break “whoever” of the habit of calling the baby “____” when his/her name is actually “_____”.)  But I digress.

As requested, here are the “baby bump” pictures. It was about time for them. I am blessed beyond words to have such a wife. She is already a great mother, and I could not be happier. Well, I guess I actually could be happier, but not more joyful. (Fancy cars, big houses, and swiss bank accounts tend to spike the happiness level, at least temporarily. ) And I certainly could not be happier with my sweet, loving, patient, forgiving, submissive, generous, compassionate, thoughtful wife. When it comes to womanly graces, she is the mold that was broken.

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Frequently family and friends (some more often than others) come up to her and smile, squeal, pat belly, giggle/laugh, ask a question – in that order. Hey, I’m not complaining. I’m eating this all up!

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In front of our new baby bed. (Another blessing chronicled in another post.)

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Yes folks, those are my babies! Both growing bigger, both moving a lot, both knowing me better…..and both around because God chooses to bless me. Why does he bless me? Not sure. But he does, so I don’t need to know why.