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The Beach, the Wedding, and a Sermon or Two

Well, I am currently trying to upload Sam Franklin 2, which I finally have on my computer. Hopefully it will work this time. (I’ve tried two other times with no luck.)

Anna and I went to the beach with her family recently. We had a wonderful time, and it was a much needed break. We’d like to go back sometime, perhaps for longer. Here are a few pictures that you might enjoy. (I’ve learned that pictures have to be done right on blogs or they can be boring.)

Jekyll Island 030  Jekyll Island 038

Yes….I do like pictures of myself. Thanks for asking.   This was when we got up early one morning to watch the sunrise. 

Jekyll Island 040   Jekyll Island 058

However, I like these better. While there we celebrated the one year anniversary of our courtship. Last year I brought her purple flowers. Once again, I did so this year. (With assistance from Mr. Philip.)

Jekyll Island 005 Jekyll Island 007

We also took family pictures. I like these. OH, but you have to see a couple of Anna and I….

Jekyll Island 092 Jekyll Island 094  

Jekyll Island 192

And on Saturday we went to the wedding of Heather Neiger and Caleb Murray. Heather used to “work for me” when I was at IBLP Headquarters a couple years ago. She’s a good friend and Anna and I are very pleased to see her so happy. Caleb is a lucky guy! I don’t know him as well, but I know him well enough to know that Heather has picked a keeper. God bless you both!

Caleb Heather Wed 012 Caleb Heather Wed 014

I got to MC the reception, which was a lot of fun. I announced the wedding party, along with Bride and Groom, as they entered the reception. One funny part is that I got one of the bridesmaid’s names wrong. The last name. She was married and I said her maiden name. Her husband was a good sport though.

Caleb Heather Wed 023 Caleb Heather Wed 028

They are a sweet couple, and I was glad to see the wedding. An interesting note, their first kiss was during the ceremony. (At least, that is my understanding.)

(Update: I wasn’t able to get Sam Franklin, Part 2 to upload to Xanga. I might try YouTube or GodTube and then embed it here.)

Here is a sermon or three. Let’s see about getting the audio up here. Hang on….

Life of Samson, Part 2

Life of Samson, Part 3

Living in Perilous Times

God bless ye, every one!