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To those who know me well…

My friends, it seems I have come to a crossroads. But before I describe it, let me just wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I love this time of year, and I did not get around to wishing my internet community a great Christmas holiday. I think I might post something I read recently about the true date of Christmas, but more importantly, it is very thought provoking about when Christ became man. Stay tuned.

But on to the crossroad. I have reached the point in my financial situation that I am going to have to find a more consistent/full-time job. God has not seen fit to open a door with any church or ministry at this point, and until he does I still need to provide for my family. (With the LORD’s help of course.)

However, sparing you excessive detail, I am in the position of needing a job that pays better than your average “come off the street” entry level job. Or I might just get two or three part-time jobs. I don’t know. But I need y’alls advice. I am uncertain what kind of job I would be good at. I’ve held several different types of jobs, and have a decent set of skills. (In my humble opinion.)

But no more clues. Please tell me, based on your knowledge of my personality/skills/experience/talents, etc. what type of job you think I would fit well. I have my own ideas, and I’m not basing my whole life on what y’all say, but I thought it couldn’t hurt and it might actually give me some good ideas. (BTW, I’ve tried construction trades and they are not regular enough to support my family.) So feel free to comment. Your opinion will remain very public and everyone will see it, so be nice.