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Travels and Trust

Well, after being thuroughly shamed by my dear wife (who posted twice in the past week) concerning my lack of posting anything, and considering the significant stuff going on for us, I figured I should post something of interest.

Job Hunt – The most significant issue right now is that I am searching for a new job. The church here in Milledgeville decided that the Lord was leading them in a different direction. There was no bad situation or hard feelings. They simply sensed the Lord directing them to end the interim period. (I have only been the interim pastor for these last two years.) So they followed that direction, as did I, and our last Sunday at Covenant was March 30th. (That also happened to be the day Ezekiel was dedicated to the Lord, but I’ll let Anna blog that.) Since that time we have been seeking the Lord’s guidance about the next step for us. A matter of trust to be sure. But our Heavenly Father has not failed us yet, and I don’t expect him to begin now. I would kind of like to work under a more experienced minister so as to learn some more skills and “day to day” shepherding responsibilities. But God knows best.  

Michigan – We went to a beautiful part of Michigan to interview for a pastoral job there. It was in a very “small town” kind of area, with orchards everywhere, and very pleasant lakes and rolling hills. The people in the church were very kind and we had a wonderful time. However, in the end, they decided not to call us. But there is still much love between they and us and we hope to visit again someday.

Minnesota – We went to visit an inner-city church in Minneapolis, and to discover more about a job as the director of community outreach. The church is built around a large bus ministry, and we had a good time learning about their ministry and participating in it. They reach out to inner-city kids, who don’t have much Christian influence or understanding. They proclaim the gospel to these kids, which is a worth while pursuit. Right now we have some cautions in our hearts about moving there, but we will continue to pray about this. It looks like they are interested in bringing us up there.

Thoughts – What else can I say? It’s a little scary to look at my wife and son and not know where I will be working next week, or if I will be working at all.   There are a couple guys we know who are helping me and giving me work for this in-between time. But I still kind of wonder if I may be headed for a long desert when it comes to vocational ministry. But then again, maybe that is just my fear talking.

Then I sort of wonder if this time in history, in the plan God has for his Church, will require pastors to be bi-vocational. If perhaps the congregations of true Believers will be so small and scattered that they will not be able to support the work of a minister full time. Many of the solid congregations and pastors that I know are very small. (Many, not all.) I’m not suggesting that large churches are not truly Biblical Christians. But it seems that many of the big churches get caught in the “lots of programs to keep ’em busy – get ’em in the church with rock music and dancing girls – water down the truth – neglect the needs of fathers/men” kind of modern philosophies. I simply do not follow that line of thinking, and it seems like quite a task to find a church that we fit with that can also support the work of a full time pastor. (And a church that doesn’t mind having a 28 year old who never went to “seminary” to be their pastor.) But……..

I don’t know about you, but I serve the God of the Impossible Task! Surely if the Lord can make the Red Sea part, if he can walk on water, if he can provide a meal for 5,000 men and their families from only a sack lunch, if he can bring thousands to to himself on the day of Pentecost, if he can use a man named Wesley to alter a culture and avert a revolution, if he can protect missionaries the world over from the attacks of demons……and if he can save an evil wicked sinner like me and bring me forth into the path of light…..surely finding me a job and providing for my family is no big deal.      Thank you Lord Jesus! Amen!