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Yesterday’s Sermon

For anyone who may be interested, here are the sermon notes from yesterday.
The Serious Business of Forgiveness
It actually didn’t go as well as I would have liked, but that’s my own fault. I didn’t spend as much time in prayer and spiritual preperation as I have in the past. And that is because I had sin in my heart. Being a clear and clean vessel is important, and I am keenly aware of that today. We don’t earn God’s favor, but we do hinder him from working when we succomb to sin, when we are not clear with him and others. Sometimes he is merciful and uses us inspite of our sin, but yesterday morning God reminded me that there are consequences, even in this world, for our sins. I won’t get into this too deep because as I’ve been trying to put something down, I’m realizing how deep a topic this is, and I just don’t have the time to spend on it right now.

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