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Zeke pictures

Anna has taken a few good pictures of Zeke recently. Here are the ones I get to post. Check her site out for more.

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Sometimes he will let me cuddle with him. It’s very nice, and I like to put him to sleep that way. (No, I’m not asleep in that photo.)

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At a picnic. If you think this is good, just keep going…

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This might be my new favorite picture. It is just so perfect in so many different ways. He really does smile easily. Even at strangers.

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Daddy’s boy 

Also, as a matter of interest…I found a picture of Anna with an old boyfriend!  I know this surprises some of you, but photos don’t lie. And what’s worse is that she’s giving him a kiss in the picture.  He looks to be about 6’3″ maybe, and probably weighs…’s hard to say. Thankfully it was before we were an “item.” But considering the uniqueness of the picture, I thought y’all might want to see it. Check it out here

Been thinking a lot about waiting on God. I’m preaching at Covenant on June 1st, and I might preach on that topic. Or something else. I don’t know. I guess I need to pray about it. (Good idea Jarod. Thanks)

Me: Say, are you talking to me again?

Soul: Yep, sure am.

Me: What do you want?

Soul: Can’t I just talk to you without having a special reason?

Me: No, I do not talk to myself unless I have a very important reason for doing so.

Soul: *sigh* You are SO serious…..OK, um, I need to tell you that, um…… you can trust the Lord to take care of you and the family!

Me: That’s it?

Soul: Yeah!

Me: Um, Soul, I already knew that.

Soul: You did?

Me: Yep. In fact I’ve been told that by many people recently. I pretty much have an intense handle on the concept.

Soul: Oh.    Well it was the best I could come up with on short notice.

Me: Thanks any way.

Soul: Well if you have “an intense handle on the concept” why don’t you live like it’s true?

Me: I guess it’s just easy to forget those kind of things.

Soul: You’re telling me.

Me: You struggle with that too?

Soul: All the TIME!

Me: Oh, well cool. It’s nice to know I have someone who shares my struggles.

Soul: You mean besides your wife?

Me: Oh of course. That goes without saying.

Soul: No it doesn’t. Especially after that sarcastic post about her former “boyfriend.” 

Me: You think I’ll be digging out of that hole for a while?

Soul: Nah, I think she’ll laugh.

Me: Good.

Soul: Soooo…….you ARE trusting God?

Me: Yeah. More recently than I was the week before.

Soul: Good. Glad to hear it.      And you’re not discouraged? Even though you haven’t worked all week so far?

Me: No, not really. I know God has reasons for the things that he does. I did all I thought I could to get work and it just didn’t work out. (No pun intended.) God has allowed me to refocus on him this week, and also get some important things done here around the house. And I know he’ll open the right door when it’s time to step through it.

Soul: Well that’s great. You know, I’ve been feeling pretty good myself, all things considered. Your wife has been helping me a LOT!

Me: You’ve been talking to my wife!? 

Soul: I’ve been trying. Sometimes you don’t let me out very well.

Me: OH, right. Sorry about that. 

Soul: It’s all right. It’s not as important that I know everyone else in your life, but it is very important that I have quality time with her. .

Me: OK, I just got a little uncomfortable with this conversation.

Soul: All right…just chill out.    You know, you really ought to lighten up. Don’t be so serious all the time.

Me: Now you sound like my family. But I’m talking to you aren’t I? And writing it down for everyone to see? That’s kind of….*ahem*……fun…isn’t it?

Soul: Well, let’s just say it’s a step in the right direction.

Me: Great!  OK, well, Goodnight!

Soul: Goodnight!   (Just when he was getting interesting he goes home.)